In Tuesday’s (6/23) Indianapolis Star, Melanie D. Hayes and Carrie Ritchie report, “Construction on Carmel’s ailing Performing Arts Center will be halted for about three weeks. Workers will begin repairing cracked steel in the building’s support columns next week, the city announced in a press release today. Those repairs should take two weeks as long as the weather cooperates, according the release issued shortly after 5 p.m. The repairs will come at no cost to the city. The contractor and design team will be responsible for the expense, which has not been estimated, according to the release. … An outside engineering company was brought in Thursday to assess the situation. Houston-based Walter P. Moore confirmed that workers should install steel plates to reinforce the columns, which is the remedy the project’s engineer had suggested. The company suggested initial repairs be completed from the outside of the building. The $118 million project is supposed to be finished next fall.” The center will include a 1,600-seat concert hall that is to be the permanent home of the Carmel (Indiana) Symphony Orchestra.

Posted June 24, 2009