In Thursday’s (4/29) Arizona Daily Star (Tucson), Cathalena E. Burch reports, “In its latest round of belt-tightening, the Tucson Symphony Orchestra will close its offices on Fridays through the summer, which will put most of its full-time employees on 32-hour workweeks beginning in June. The orchestra also eliminated four full-time positions and a part-time position, and consolidated duties in fundraising, marketing and artistic operations, said outgoing executive director Susan Franano. The hours of five other positions—two full-time and three part-time—also were reduced. According to the orchestra’s most recent program notes, it employs 33 administrative staff employees, including part- and full-time. The orchestra has 69 musicians. … Erwin D. Kratz, TSO board president, said the new cuts, announced to staff members on Tuesday, were anticipated when the orchestra decided to restructure its 2010-11 season. He said the board has been working over the past several months to decide where to streamline operations to match the reduced season. … The orchestra, which is a nonprofit corporation, closes its books on the 2009-2010 season in June, Kratz said. With the help of one-time gifts and what he termed ‘non-repeatable’ revenues—which the orchestra can’t rely on year after year—it will likely erase the season’s $250,000 deficit.”

Posted April 30, 2010