In Friday’s (7/9) Boston Herald, Tenley Woodman and Guychardson Destin report, “On the Fourth of July, violinist Julie Leven performed for millions as a member of the Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra. Three days later her audience numbered 30—and Mozart competed with the hum of floor fans as Leven and violist Rebecca Strauss played at the hopeFound shelter in Jamaica Plain. … ‘I never attended the symphony,’ said Ken, a shelter regular who preferred not to give his last name. ‘It’s amazing what two instruments can do.’ Leven and Strauss started playing at the shelter several months ago as part of their nonprofit project, Shelter Music Boston. Their hope is to bring music usually reserved for Symphony Hall and Tanglewood to the homeless. ‘There are a lot of people who need to hear music who aren’t exposed to it,’ said Leven, who lives in Arlington. ‘When we come here, we are amazed by the responses. They are so enthusiastic.’ ”

Posted July 9, 2010