In Friday’s (4/29) Buffalo News, Mary Kunz Goldman writes, “This weekend’s Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra concert juxtaposes the wildly popular with the mysterious and unknown. … On the mysterious side, the Kleinhans Music Hall audience will also be hearing the premiere of the romantic Second Symphony of Marcel Tyberg. Tyberg’s story is one of those peculiar tragedies that came out of World War II. A devout Catholic, Tyberg had Jewish ancestry and died in Auschwitz. For decades, it looked as if his music would be forgotten. Now, Buffalo is the center of a Tyberg renaissance. It began with Enrico Mihich, a Buffalo physician who as a boy in Northern Italy had known Tyberg. He had inherited Tyberg’s music and had tried for years to interest the BPO in performing it. When he showed the worn scores to JoAnn Falletta, the BPO’s music director, she was struck by the music’s beauty and scope. With invaluable help from the Fund for Jewish Philanthropies, which financed performances and professional copying services, the BPO began exploring Tyberg’s music. Last year, the BPO performed the Third Symphony, and recorded it for the Naxos label. … [Falletta] is timing the performance of the Second to coincide with Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is Sunday.”

Posted May 2, 2011