Classical music can often play both a comforting and commemorative role when it comes to tragic events, and the events of September 11, 2001 are no exception. Over the next week and beyond, orchestras across the country honor the 10th anniversary of that tragic day with commissions, multi-media productions, and other wide-ranging programs. SymphonyNOW spotlights just a few of those musical projects, and invites readers to comment.

The League and other arts groups are participating in Classical Action, a bowling event that looks to raise funds for AIDS care. Guest contributor Russell Jones, League vice president for marketing and membership evelopment, reveals more about a fun event with a serious purpose.

SymphonyNOW is the League’s new, online-only publication that provides timely stories about orchestras on a weekly basis. You’ll find SymphonyNOW just to the right-hand side here on the Hub homepage.

Posted September 9, 2011