In Thursday’s (3/8) Wichita Eagle (Kansas), Annie Calovich writes, “Listen to the eight programs in the Wichita Symphony Orchestra’s 2012-2013 season and call conductor Daniel Hege in the morning. The repertoire will give listeners the essentials—as well as the off-the-beaten-path elements—for a well-balanced classical-music diet, he said of what will be his third season as musical director of the symphony. ‘As I get to know the orchestra and the audience, I can widen the palette of what’s possible,’ Hege said. ‘What I’ve become aware of as I work with the orchestra is how excellent they are.’ The new season will begin in October, and season tickets are now on sale. There will be a new, lower-cost section of seats available next season—in front and to the side. … Book-ending the season will be what Hege calls blow-outs and barn-burners—Kodaly’s expressive gypsy ‘Dances of Galanta’ on Oct. 13 and 14 and Copland’s Symphony No. 3, which builds to ‘Fanfare for the Common Man,’ on April 6 and 7, 2013. … Two ‘off-the-beaten-path’ solo instruments will be featured along the way—guitar, played by Eliot Fisk on Jan. 12 and 13, and oboe, played by the symphony’s own Andrea Banke, on March 9 and 10.”

Posted March 13, 2012