A report in Wednesday’s (3/27) Hurriyet Daily News (Istanbul, Turkey) states, “The Istanbul Symphony Orchestra performed March 25 under the baton of famous Bosnian orchestra conductor Emir Nuhanovic. The concert at Istanbul’s Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall (CRR) was organized to draw attention to the human tragedy in Syria and hosted Syrian violinist Ali Moraly as a soloist. … [Culture and Tourism Minister Ömer] Çelik said Syria was currently experiencing a tragedy before the whole world and the concert was held to draw attention to this drama. … ‘There are millions of refugees outside the country, and there are millions of people who had to leave their place in Syria. Now, in order to make a call for all human beings, art will make its voice heard for Syria’ … The minister said the question of what art is would find the most meaningful answer that night as well. … ‘We will be the tongue of millions of refugees tonight. This is art.’ ”

Posted March 27, 2013