In a Friday (8/15) posting on (Texas Public Radio), Elena See interviews Sarah Silver, recently named assistant concertmaster of the San Antonio Symphony. A Pittsburgh native whose father plays viola in the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and whose mother is a public school orchestra director, Silver was most recently a member of the New World Symphony. “She has also performed with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and was featured as New Artist of the Month by in September, 2013.” Silver says she enjoyed being part of the New World Symphony’s “musical passport program” that “bussed in 1,000 second graders for two shows” last season, and she praises the NWS’s mini-concerts: “They’re affordable, fast.… You go in, get music and information, then you’re back out, to go on about your day.” In her new job she is expecting to “go out in the audience and talk to people and propose new ideas. I think the San Antonio Symphony is up and coming in the community, just like New World Symphony has been.…You can’t just move forward being really great at your instrument. I want to be a more well-rounded musician, and an advocate of the arts.”      

Posted August 18, 2014