“At only 16 years in, it’s still a bit presumptuous to make sweeping statements about the 21st century, but I’d like to posit a grand claim: our new century is the most exciting time to be making and listening to music,” writes Frank Oteri on Monday (10/3) at NewMusicBox. “The sheer number of possibilities and opportunities for access that have been steadily growing for decades will continue and most likely increase in the coming years…. Global travel has become much more convenient, relatively speaking, and so with enough time, money, and overzealousness, a fanatical fan could actually trek the globe to hear extremely exciting music every day of the year. Much easier, we now can also experience a great deal of music happening in all these places without leaving our homes. [During] the Ear Taxi Festival in Chicago [this week] … over the course of six days, the music of 88 different composers will be presented. More than half of them (56 to be exact) are emerging composers.… Among the works being performed, 53 will be world premieres.” Oteri’s essay also appears in the Ear Taxi Festival program book.

Posted October 6, 2016