“It’s the best of all possible worlds—a July Fourth on a Tuesday, which means we’ve got a near smorgasbord of fireworks and a side dish of flowing live music and parties popping off around the Tri-State,” writes Dave Lavender in Thursday’s (6/29) Herald-Dispatch (Huntington, West Virginia). The article lists pop groups, rappers, and country bands in various locations and reports that “The West Virginia Symphony Orchestra returns to Haddad Riverfront Park on the Fourth of July to present a brass ensemble of patriotic music before a grand finale of fireworks. The concert will begin at 8 p.m. Tuesday, July 4, and is made possible through support from the City of Charleston. The symphony’s 14-piece brass and percussion ensemble will perform a program of popular patriotic and Americana classics. ‘For our nation’s birthday, we are looking forward to this concert of the brass ensemble of the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra,’ said Mayor Danny Jones. ‘This show from the Schoenbaum Stage will have something for everyone and conclude with … the largest fireworks show in our region. So it will be a great night in Haddad Riverfront Park.’ … The evening will conclude with Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, ‘Stars and Stripes Forever,’ and fireworks.”

Posted June 29, 2017