“A new 600-seat theater, bumped-out museum social spaces, a visitors’ plaza that looks toward the Gulf of Mexico and a terraced, landscaped courtyard are part of a striking master plan Artis—Naples announced Tuesday,” writes Harriet Howard Heithaus in Tuesday’s (1/30) Naples News. Artis—Naples is home to the Naples Philharmonic and the Baker Museum, and its campus currently has two performance halls, education and exhibition venues, and gathering spaces. “The master plan is the result of discussions with board, staff and the public.… Its goal is to take Artis—Naples, which turns 30 in 2019, through the next 30 years. It is expected to cost $150 million for all projects and a $50 million endowment, which has already been raised…. Kathleen van Bergen, CEO and president of Artis—Naples, said patrons and the board of directors found a common interest in improving the natural components of the multibuilding venue…. ‘We have arts, education and performance all living under this beautiful nature setting, and yet we are not connected to it,’ van Bergen said.… There is no timetable for construction yet, but the organization is fundraising.”

Posted January 31, 2018