“Classical music is often described as being ‘high culture,’ ” writes Nickky Faustine P. de Guzman in Wednesday’s (8/22) Business World (Quezon City, Philippines). “For Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) president Nick Lizaso—who described himself as a ‘layman’— … everything should be referred to simply as ‘music.’ … ‘It’s just music, and it speaks to you. You don’t understand Mozart? It’s okay. But do not be afraid to listen to him,’ … said Mr. Lizaso on Aug. 1 during a press conference at the Manila Hotel for the CCP’s resident company, the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra (PPO) and its series of concerts…. As far as Mr. Lizaso is concerned, orchestra music is best enjoyed live, like theater…. In its quest to spread the gospel of classical music and make it more accessible and less intimidating, the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra will be holding many free outreach concerts … PPO associate conductor Herminigildo G. Ranera … said his repertoire is usually composed of 30% pop music, 30% Filipino and Broadway, and 30% classical music…. ‘It’s a challenge to convert pop to symphonic [music], but it’s fun,’ said Mr. Ranera.”

Posted August 24, 2018