Radio station France Musique reports on Wednesday (4/24) that Orfeo 55, the chamber orchestra founded in 2009 by contralto and conductor Nathalie Stutzmann, will cease operations. The announcement, made on the orchestra’s website and social media outlets, reads: “It is with deep regret that the orchestra Orfeo 55, and its founder and artistic director Nathalie Stutzmann, announce the end of its activities. Despite the support of the French Ministry of Culture, the orchestra’s financial situation has remained precarious due to a lack of sufficient subsidies and has deteriorated over the past few months, no longer allowing it to continue to operate properly. Nathalie Stutzmann is deeply saddened by this situation but confirms that given the extent of the development of her career as a symphonic and opera conductor, it is now impossible for her to devote the necessary time to restoring the financial balance that would ensure the sustainability of the ensemble. Nathalie Stutzmann made history with her pioneering modernity in the company of the orchestra, being the very first woman to sing and conduct simultaneously…. In addition to her conducting career, Nathalie Stutzmann … will continue to perform regularly as a contralto.”

Posted April 25, 2019