“An extensive study from the University of British Columbia in Canada shows that students who took music lessons in high school performed better in subjects such as English, science, and math,” writes Eva Amsen in Tuesday’s (6/25) Forbes.com. “Researchers collected data from over 100,000 students … more than 15,000 of [whom] were taking music lessons…. Comparing the test scores of students who took music classes with those of their peers, the musicians got higher grades in a range of different school subjects…. Students who played an instrument did even better than those who sang…. This is not the first study to link music lessons to school performance, but several of the previous studies didn’t correct for students’ prior performance or for socioeconomic background. What this study doesn’t tell us, though, is why music makes these students perform better, but the research paper mentions … studies [linking] music practice with neurological changes that improve certain brain functions…. Students who take music lessons see a tangible result from practice—they get better—and they might apply that to their other work…. The non-competitive team aspect of making music together could strengthen students’ social development, which would also help them in other areas.”

Posted July 1, 2019