“In its upcoming season, the Louisville Orchestra is heading to the Big Apple,” writes Savannah Eadens in Saturday’s (2/22) Courier-Journal (Louisville, Kentucky). “Conductor Teddy Abrams and the 60 plus members of the orchestra will bless our ears with performances in Louisville during the 2020-21 season before ending with a Carnegie Hall performance in New York City in February 2021. Joining the LO for that performance will be dancers from the Louisville Ballet and singer-songwriter Jim James, a Louisville native and the longtime front-man for the band My Morning Jacket. It’s only the third time the Louisville Orchestra has performed in the iconic theater…. The Louisville Orchestra will play its regular season at home, including the Signature Classic, Coffee, Pops, Music Without Borders and Family series…. When it comes to planning a new season, Abrams’ goal is to bring the Louisville community together…. Here are some highlights for the 2020-21 Louisville Orchestra … season: Louisville premieres of music by John Adams, Gabriel Kahane, Ellen Reid and Paola Prestini; celebrating Beethoven’s 250th anniversary; … Louisville Orchestra premiere of … the Turangalila symphony by French composer Oliver Messiaen; symphonic favorites including Ravel’s Bolero, Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6 and Sibelius’ Symphony No. 2.”