“For the past several years, we have often looked ahead in our planning using clever titles like Vision 2020,” writes San Diego Symphony CEO Martha Gilmer in Sunday’s (1/3) San Diego Union-Tribune. “Little did we know that the year 2020 would reduce our visibility for the near and distant future and require us to pivot, restructure and refocus…. With the new year ahead of us, our intention is that the San Diego Symphony can be a powerful agent as we collectively heal and join together in community once again…. Our January festival was to be dedicated to the idea of the earth and our role as caretakers…. While we will not present the festival in its original concept, we will dedicate virtual content to deepen our understanding of our planet and its need for care…. Our commitment to music inspired by our blue planet celebrates its beauty while promising to preserve it for future generations. With the appointment of Music Director Rafael Payare and the anticipated opening of The Shell in 2021, we have two incredible catalysts to assure that the music that we present is available and accessible to all.… Sound Vision can get us through this difficult time.”