“It’s always a special evening when the Israel Integrative Orchestra, a group which includes musicians with and without special needs, performs,” writes Hannah Brown in Monday’s (6/13) Jerusalem Post. “The group will hold its third annual concert on June 14 … The concert is free … Launched three years ago, the Israel Integrative Orchestra was created with the goal of making space for people with disabilities to express themselves musically as an inclusive part of Jerusalem’s vibrant music scene, while providing an opportunity for them to train with professional musicians. This year’s concert will feature two pieces by musicians with special needs, who were inspired to compose through their work with the orchestra … The orchestra was created through a partnership between SHEKEL, an organization for inclusion of people with disabilities in the community, and the Yitzhak Navon Community Unit of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, with the support of the Perach scholarship project and the American Center of the United States Embassy. It comprises 40 musicians and vocalists … For many of those with special needs, the orchestra has provided a stimulating environment in which to develop their abilities. Several students have begun composing music, as well as performing it.”